Post your introductions here.
User Introduction: Tell others something about yourself -
CogSci Lounge Introduction, Rules and RegulationsCogSci Lounge is a place for students and researchers from cognitive science, psychology, and other disciplines that study the mind to discuss, debate, and exchange opinions and resources. It is hoped that these facilities will help in teaching, learning, and research of the mind. At the same time, this forum provides a place to connect people with each other as well as with various career opportunities.
This is only possible with active users sharing their views with others by creating your own post or by commenting on other posts. Be a creator, not just be a passive reader. As a start, you could create introduce yourself here. You will need to register with a valid email id.
This forum is NOT a place to get medical advice or psychological diagnosis.
Do NOT discuss or link to illegal (aka piracy), obscene, pornographic, hateful, violence-inciting, insulting, derogatory, or other materials that would not be allowed in a workspace. Posting any of them could lead to a permanent user ban.
Do NOT harass other users.
If you are criticizing any book or article, make sure to criticize the work, and not the author. And let the criticism be constructive. Non-constructive criticism that does not add any value to anyone will NOT be tolerated.
You may create multiple accounts. Posting in "Double-blind Open Reviews" requires that you post using an account with an unverified email address for anonymity purposes.
These rules may be updated as is deemed fit by the admins and moderators. Suggestions from users will be appreciated. Post the suggestions here.